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Direzione MET

Supporto nella valutazione di politiche, piani e strategie per l’adattamento e la mitigazione dei rischi derivanti da cause naturali, soprattutto quello sismico, e antropiche con particolare riferimento ai cambiamenti climatici, agli eventi estremi e alla qualità dell’aria.

Progetti del Laboratorio

Status: In corso

Status: Concluso

  • Numerical Weather Prediction System in Eswatini

  • Relationship between air pollution and the spread of the pandemic, physical-chemical-biological interactions between fine particles and viruses, the effects of the "lock down" on air pollution and greenhouse gases in Italy

  • COP21: Results and Implications for Pathways and Policies for Low Emissions European Societies

  • Mediterranean Health Interview Surveys Studies: long term exposure to air pollution and health surveillance

  • Mediterranean Eco Industrial Development