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Pesticides re-entry dermal exposure of workers in greenhouses.

TitoloPesticides re-entry dermal exposure of workers in greenhouses.
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2004
AutoriCaffarelli, Vincenzo, Conte E., Correnti Angelo, Gatti Rosanna, Musmeci Fabio, Morali G., Spagnoli G., Tranfo G., Triolo L., Vita M., and Zappa Giovanna
RivistaCommunications in agricultural and applied biological sciences
Paginazione733 - 742
Data di pubblicazione2004///

This research has the aim to evaluate the risk of pesticide dermal exposure for workers in greenhouses. We considered the following crops: tomato, cucumber and strawberry, largely spread in Bracciano lake district. The pesticides monitored were: tetradifon on strawberry: metalaxyl, azoxystrobin and fenarimol on cucumber; acrinathrin, azoxystrobin and chlorpyrifos ethyl on tomato. The dermal exposure was evaluated by Dislodgeable Foliar Residue (DFR) measurements employing transfer coefficients got from literature. For risk evaluation, we have compared the dermal exposures with Acceptable Operator Exposure Levels (AOEL). The re-entry time were obtained intercepting the dose decay curves with AOEL values. The re-entry times result higher than two days in the cases of chlorpyrifos on tomato (re-entry time: 3 days), azoxystrobin on tomato (4 days), and tetradifon on strawberry (8 days). The need of measuring specific transfer coefficients is pointed out.


Cited By (since 1996): 3Export Date: 1 September 2010Source: Scopus

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