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This section gathers the most relevant Projects of the last 10 years with the participation of Divisione modelli e tecnologie per la riduzione degli impatti antropici e dei rischi naturali.

53 Projects are currently available, most of which are/were funded by EU Programmes.

For more information about ENEA participation to EU Projects please refer to the official database on

Hai selezionato 14 progetti
Title Funding Framework Programme Date Start End Date Project Manager
ENEA - Regione Campania sulla qualità dell'aria
Accordo ENEA - Regione Campania sulla qualità dell'aria
Regional Programmes Feb 2024 Jan 2025 Antonio Piersanti
Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory
Quality assurance for datasets in the Climate Data Store
EU Programmes Copernicus May 2022 May 2026 Sandro Calmanti
Laboratory Climate Modelling
CAMS AERosol Advancement
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Jan 2024 Dec 2026 Mihaela Mircea
Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory
Assistenza tecnica per l'introduzione di tecnologie innovative e strumenti per ridurre il rischio e la vulnerabilità e rafforzare l’adattamento al cambiamento climatico nell’ecosistema marino cubano
Other Programmes Oct 2022 Oct 2025 Federica Pannacciulli
The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Laboratory
Framework for defining climate mitigation pathways based on understanding and integrated assessment of climate impacts, adaptation strategies and societal transformation
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Jun 2022 May 2026 Giovanna Pisacane
Laboratory Climate Modelling
multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate
National Programmes Partenariati estesi PNRR-MUR , Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca” – Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’Impresa” – Investimento 1.3, finanziato dall’Unione Europea – NextGenerationEU, tematica n.3 “Rischi ambientali, naturali e antropici” Dec 2022 Nov 2025 Gianmaria Sannino
Scuola della Ricostruzione e della Resilienza
Other Programmes Agenzia per la coesione Territoriale Nov 2023 Nov 2026 Vincenza Anna Maria Luprano
Laboratory Functional materials and technologies for sustainable applications
Accordo di collaborazione “Atto esecutivo tra CUFAA comando unità forestali, ambientali e agroalimentari, e enea per l’esecuzione di un’azione di monitoraggio in 1 o più siti nei parchi nazionali o aree protette statali del territorio italiano”
Other Programmes Jun 2020 Dec 2024 Ettore Petralia
Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory
Air pollution removal by urban forests for a better human well-being
EU Programmes LIFE/LIFE+ Sep 2020 Dec 2024 Alessandra De marco
Section Technology transfer to developing countries relating to climate change
CAMS EvOlution
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Jan 2023 Dec 2025 Mihaela Mircea
Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory
CAMS2-40 air quality forecast
EU Programmes Copernicus Nov 2021 Nov 2025 Massimo D'Isidoro
Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory
Coastal Climate Core Services
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Sep 2021 Aug 2025 Gianmaria Sannino
Laboratory Climate Modelling
Navigating European Forests and forest bioeconomy sustainably to EU climate neutrality
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Oct 2022 Sep 2026 Melania Michetti
MET Head Office
new MOnitoring system to Detect the Effects of Reduced pollutants emissions resulting from NEC Directive adoption
EU Programmes LIFE/LIFE+ Oct 2021 Sep 2025 Alessandra De marco
Section Technology transfer to developing countries relating to climate change