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ENEA activities for validation of air quality forecasting systems

The scientific paper “A standardized methodology for the validation of air quality forecast applications (F-MQO): lessons learnt from its application across Europe[1] was recently published in Geoscientific Model Development journal. It presents the methodology for the validation of air quality forecasting applications, proposed by FAIRMODE in support of air quality management in Europe.


The scientific paper “A standardized methodology for the validation of air quality forecast applications (F-MQO): lessons learnt from its application across Europe[1] was recently published in Geoscientific Model Development journal. It presents the methodology for the validation of air quality forecasting applications, proposed by FAIRMODE in support of air quality management in Europe.

The paper, coordinated by ENEA, is one of the outcomes of INAT's activities in the framework of FAIRMODE, as National Contact Point for Italy, and co-chair of WG3. Other recent results are the contribution to the FAIRMODE guidance document on modelling quality objectives and benchmarking, the organization of the 2023 Plenary Meeting in Rome and the training course on the FAIRMODE WG3 methodology.

Within the paper we present the methodology focusing on the lessons learnt by its application to validate several air quality forecasting services across Europe and pointing out the strengths and shortcomings of the approach.



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