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Solanum pennellii (LA5240) backcross inbred lines (BILs) for high resolution mapping in tomato

TitleSolanum pennellii (LA5240) backcross inbred lines (BILs) for high resolution mapping in tomato
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsTorgeman, S., Pleban T., Goldberg Y., Ferrante Paola, Aprea Giuseppe, Giuliano Giovanni, Yichie Y., Fisher J., Zemach I., Koch A., Rochsar E., Oved M., Bandel K., and Zamir D.
JournalPlant Journal
KeywordsBackcross inbreed line, Breeding, Experimental biology, Fine-mapping, Fruits, Genes, High-resolution mapping, Inbred line, Introgression, Mapping, Plants (botany), Recombination rate, Self-pruning, Solanum pennellii, Topography

Wild species are an invaluable source of new traits for crop improvement. Over the years, the tomato community bred cultivated lines that carry introgressions from different species of the tomato tribe to facilitate trait discovery and mapping. The next phase in such projects is to find the genes that drive the identified phenotypes. This can be achieved by genotyping a few thousand individuals resulting in fine mapping that can potentially identify the causative gene. To couple trait discovery and fine mapping, we are presenting large, recombination-rich, Backcross Inbred Line (BIL) populations involving an unexplored accession of the wild, green-fruited species Solanum pennellii (LA5240; the ‘Lost’ Accession) with two modern tomato inbreds: LEA, determinate, and TOP, indeterminate. The LEA and TOP BILs are in BC2F6–8 generation and include 1400 and 500 lines, respectively. The BILs were genotyped with 5000 SPET markers, showing that in the euchromatic regions there was one recombinant every 17–18 Kb while in the heterochromatin a recombinant every 600–700 Kb (TOP and LEA respectively). To gain perspective on the topography of recombination we compared five independent members of the Self-pruning gene family with their respective neighboring genes; based on PCR markers, in all cases we found recombinants. Further mapping analysis of two known morphological mutations that segregated in the BILs (self-pruning and hairless) showed that the maximal delimited intervals were 73 Kb and 210 Kb, respectively, and included the known causative genes. The ‘Lost’_BILs provide a solid framework to study traits derived from a drought-tolerant wild tomato. © 2024 The Authors. The Plant Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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Citation KeyTorgeman2024