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Produzione Scientifica

Found 14 results
Filters: Keyword is Deformation  [Clear All Filters]
Ground deformation and associated hazards in NW peloponnese (Greece), Del Soldato, M., Del Ventisette C., Raspini F., Righini Gaia, Pancioli V., and Moretti S. , European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 51, Number 1, p.710-722, (2018)
DInSAR analysis reveals bulging of Azerbaijan mud volcano edifices before an eruption, Antonielli, B., Monserrat O., Bonini M., Righini Gaia, Sani F., and Luzi G. , European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, Volume SP-731, (2015)
Solid state reactions between Ni and Al powders induced by plastic deformation, Cardellini, F., Mazzone G., Montone Amelia, and Antisari M.V. , Acta Metallurgica Et Materialia, Volume 42, Number 7, p.2445-2451, (1994)